Share Information

The page provides information on Made Tech’s share price and further details of the company’s financial calendar.

Shareholder information

As of 31 May 2024, Made Tech Group plc has 149,287,059 Ordinary Share shares in issue. The Company does not hold any shares in treasury. In so far as Made Tech plc is aware, the percentage of shares not in public hands is 44.98%.

Made Tech plc has not applied or agreed to have any of its securities admitted or traded on any other exchanges or trading platforms other than the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.

There are no restrictions on the transfer of Made Tech plc’s AIM securities.

The Company is subject to the UK City Code on Takeover and Mergers.

Share price

Major shareholders

Shareholder% Share Capital
Rory MacDonald28.53%
Chris Blackburn14.50%
Hargreaves Lansdown Asset Management8.83%
Stonehage Fleming Family &
Partners (London)
Octopus Investments Limited6.05%
Interactive Investor (Manchester)4.74%
CRUX Asset Management4.54%
Luke Morton4.03%

AIM Securities in Issue

149,287,059 ordinary shares of 0.05p each

% of AIM Securities That Is Not in Public Hands


Financial calendar

2024 Events

Half Year Results Announcement

26 February 2024

Year End

31 May 2024

Full Year Results Announcement

September 2024

Annual General Meeting

October 2024

2025 Half Year End

30 November 2024

2023 Events

Half Year Results Announcement

23 February 2023

Year End

31 May 2023

Full Year Results Announcement

13 September 2023

Annual General Meeting

26 October 2023

2024 Half Year End

30 November 2023

This information was updated on 10 June 2024